We are seeking motivated, curious and experienced professional performers with stamina and focus who can “go for it” to enact MOUVOIR’s ‘BREATHING RITUAL’ on Feb 12, 6:30 pm in Cologne.
Stephanie Thiersch re-stages the high-energy 18-minute ritual from the piece ARCHIPEL (Ruhrtriennale/Theater der Welt 2021), originally created in collaboration with composer Brigitta Muntendorf, with NRW-based dance artists . Breath, as a symbol of connection and equality, takes center stage, sending a political message against violence and discrimination. The performance calls for solidarity with Cologne women’s shelters affected by funding cuts. The performers are donating their fees and encouraging the audience to contribute as well.
Participation in workshop & rehearsal is required: Feb 11th, 7:15–8:45 pm & 2. Feb 12th at 4:30 pm at Alte Feuerwache Köln. No participation fee for mentioned reasons. We offer free meal & drinks on Feb 12 + ticket to a URBÄNG! performance of the participants’ choice.
All Infos HERE
Sign up via sarah@mouvoir.de (deadline: 31.01.25)
Thank you for your participation, your energy and commitment!!
Restaging "BREATHING RITUAL" for solidarity with Cologne women’s shelters
MOUVOIR is opening URBÄNG! festival on Wednesday, 12.02.2025 18:30h at Alte Feuerwache Köln with a performance of BREATHING RITUAL as a “Dance against Violence”.
Stephanie Thiersch re-stages the high-energy 18-minute ritual from the piece ARCHIPEL with NRW-based dance artists. Originally created in collaboration with composer Brigitta Muntendorf (Ruhrtriennale/Theater der Welt 2021), the performance features 30 bodies coming together in a complex breathing rhythm alongside the voices of the Norwegian Soloists’ Choir. Breath, as a symbol of connection and equality, takes center stage, sending a political message against violence and discrimination.
The performance calls for solidarity with Cologne women’s shelters affected by funding cuts. The performers are donating their fees and encouraging the audience to contribute as well: Donate via https://secure.spendenbank.de/form/1721/ (Under “Ich spende für,” please enter URBÄNG!)
!! We are seeking motivated, curious and experienced professional performers joining us to enact this score. !! Read all HERE and sign up via sarah@mouvoir.de (deadline: 31.01.2025)
Sign up: Nadia Beugré und Nadim Bahsoun @URBÄNG Festival
HOW TO SHRIFT – workshop with Nadia Beugré und Nadim Bahsoun Friday 14.02.25 13h-16h Alte Feuerwache Cost: 15 Euros. This includes Workshop participation as well as one Ticket to a URBÄNG performance of the participants’ choice.
For this workshop MOUVOIR is seeking 20 emotionally mature, diverse dancers and performers who can work at serious level; professional is a state of mind.
Sign up via dwayne@mouvoir.de. (Application deadline: 31.01.25) Please include a 2-3 sentence expression of interest and background. Participation is first come first serve.
We are excited to meet you!
Dwayne Holliday is our new comapany manager
Hooray! Dwayne Holliday is taking over the management of our company from Josefine Sautier. Dwayne has been familiar with MOUVOIR for a long time. As a trained dancer, festival manager and programme director, not much should surprise him in terms of dance and performance, especially behind the scenes – but we’ll do our best! Goodbye Josefine, we will miss you and thanks for all you achieved; we hope to see you again soon. And a heartly welcome, Dwayne!
Four days of artistic performance in Cologne
The festival for performative arts URBÄNG! is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the ensemble network Freihandelszone this year. A good reason to invite outstanding international favourite artists! From 12-15 February 2025, a packed programme curated by A.TONAL.THEATER, Futur3, WEHR51 and MOUVOIR awaits us all at the Alte Feuerwache. In addition to international performances, there will be workshops, a cinema programme, performative miniatures, VR installations, a “jungle bar”, concerts, and exciting discussions. Among those invited are Aurora Bauzà and Pere Jou from Barcelona, the theatre HORA from Switzerland, RambaZamba Theater from Berlin, the Ivorian-French choreographer Nadia Beugré, and the choreographer Trajal Harrell (USA/Switzerland). The programme is available HERE
Stephanie Thiersch and the Tanzwelten exhibition at the Bundeskunsthalle
Last week Stephanie Thiersch opened her new research #UNDEFINED for visitors of the TANZWELTEN exhibition at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn. Together with dancers Black Pearl de Almeida Lima, Julien Ferranti, Georgina Philp and musician Pablo Giw she has begun to explore the many facets of ‘family of choice’. A TV crew of WDR Westart dropped by and also had a look at the exhibits of CITY DANCE KÖLN which are lao on display.
Watch this short feature on WDR Westart, giving an insight into Stephanie Thiersch first pieces of her new research #UNDEFINED: MOUVOIR on WDR Wesart”
'UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS' and 'CHOMBOTROPE' in the Historische Stadthalle Wuppertal
On 7 October, Stephanie Thiersch/MOUVOIR was invited as a guest artist to the “10th Sustainability Conference NRW”: https://nrw-nachhaltigkeitstagung-2024.de/impressionen.html invited. We performed extracts from our productions CHOMBOTROPE and UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS in the Historische Stadthalle Wuppertal. A very special day with a great backdrop, in the middle of our #UNDEFINED week of research.
Picture: Réne Warich photography
'CITY DANCE' exhibits at Bundeskunsthalle
Revive the CITY DANCE KÖLN, which shook up a whole city in 2016!
Photos, videos and a drawing by Stephanie Thiersch – and much more on the wonderful subject of dance – can be viewed until 16 February as part of the TANZWELTEN exhibition at the Bonner Kunsthalle.
More info HERE
at TANZWELTEN in the Bundeskunsthalle
Stephanie Thiersch is showing a new research project as part of the exhibition TANZWELTEN: #UNDEFINED is being created with 4 artists and is developing the concept of the ‘family of choice’. A new project with an open artistic outcome, but in any case with contemporary dance, ballroom, singing and live trumpet.
We are particularly pleased to be able to make this performance accessible to all. In addition to a live translation into German sign language, we are providing surtitles and an audio description.
12 October, 5 pm at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn. Admission: with a regular TANZWELTEN day ticket.
Supported by Aktion Mensch.
International exchange on 'UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS'
From August 28 to 31, we took our latest production UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS to the Internationale Tanzmesse NRW. Three days full of international exchange and impulses. In our Open Studio, dancer Nadia Gabrieli Kalati and rapper Shelly Quest performed parts from UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS and welcomed the audience with a discourse on the topic of hospitality with UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS. Thank you Düsseldorf for the encounters and the great feedback!
MOUVOIR @Tanzmesse NRW
We are at Tanzmesse NRW! Watch us at work and have an insight into UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS.
Open Studio UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS Saturday, 31st August 14:15 Uhr at tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf with Stephanie Thiersch and the performers Nadia Gabrieli Kalati, Shelly Quest
More information HERE
On 22 June, we performed our international production UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS in the sold-out St. Mark’s Church in Chemnitz on the final evening of the TANZ|MODERNE|TANZ festival. A completely different setting, different light and new possibilities. Thank you, Chemnitz! Another exhilarating evening, full of energy, new beginnings and … standing ovations!
An exhibition hosted by Tanzwelten @Bundeskunsthalle
This autumn, we will be part of the participatory exhibition TANZEWELTEN at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn. The City Dance, which was developed by Anna Halprin in the 70ies and revived by Halprin and Stephanie Thiersch together for Cologne in 2016, can be explored there. Drawings, the score, photographs and objects will bring you closer to the successful project.
Exhibition opening is on 26 September 2024.
Please check for more information: www.bundeskunsthalle.de
A look inside our rehearsals
A German TV team from WDR Westart visited our rehearsals at tanzhaus nrw. Watch the company work and talk on UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS! This is what Westart experienced: “This dance performance is captivating and energetic, drawing on the wealth of cultural diversity and celebrating hospitality.” Thank you for this mutual hospitality.
Watch it here: WDR Westart
Standing ovations for UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS
Thank you so much Cologne and Sommerblut Kulturfestival!
UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS: Köln sold out - Düsseldorf still tickets left!
UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS 2 choreographers, 8 dancers and musicians from Senegal and Europe in an energetic dance poem on hospitality and global groove.
Dates: 4 May Sommerblut Kulturfestival, Köln >> SOLD OUT! 16-18 May tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf >> Tickets: https://tanzhaus-nrw.de/…/2024/05/until-the-beginnings
The rehearsal weeks have begun. Our École des Sables team from Senegal has arrived and we are taking our first steps on stage.
Upcoming shows: Pre-premiere (Cologne): 04/05/2024 // Opening of the Sommerblut Festival World premiere (Düsseldorf): 16.05.2024 // tanzhaus nrw 17.05.2024 // tanzhaus nrw 18.05.2024 // tanzhaus nrw
with Alesandra Seutin and Stephanie Thiersch
24 April, 10:00-12:00 am @ tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf Fee: 25,00€ / 20,00€ discount
Registration HERE
These days we are still researching and rehearsing – but in May we will be showing our new play UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS for the first time.
Pre-premiere (Cologne): 04/05/2024 // Opening of the Sommerblut Festival >> Tickets World premiere (Düsseldorf): 16.05.2024 // tanzhaus nrw 17.05.2024 // tanzhaus nrw 18.05.2024 // tanzhaus nrw >>Tickets
More tour dates coming soon.
Stephanie Thiersch awards prizes for choreography and dance
28. Internationalen Solo-Tanz-Theater Festivals Stuttgart 2024 Jury (Cassi Abranches / Brasilien; Claudio Kogon / Israel; Roman Novitzky / Slowakei; Emrecan Taniş / Türkei/Finnland; Stephanie Thiersch / Deutschland) photo: Günter Seeger
at Moovy Dance Film Festival
On 15 March, the Moovy Dance Film Festival will be showing Stephanie Thiersch’s short film BLIND QUESTIONS, which was part of the dance performance of the same name in 2009. Tickets for the night are available HERE. We look forward to seeing you.
See you in Freiburg!
You can find us at this year’s Tanzplattform Deutschland 2024 in Freiburg! On Saturday, 24 February Stephanie Thiersch will be discussing the topic Who cares who sees it? with other artists. Starting from 10:00 am in the Peterhofkeller (fetsival center).
Come and join us, we look forward to seeing you there!
2 weeks of research for HELLO TO EMPTINESS
Right now we are exploring Indian mourning traditions, traveling East India. A third version of our performance concert HELLO TO EMPTINESS is soon to come … After touring Greece, South Korea, France and Germany with a focus on Greek, Ukranian and Korean mourning rituals, we will be on tour with an India edition in 2025.
First trailer for UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS
Our research residence in Senegal is over. To get a feeling for what is to come in our world premiere of UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS in May, have a look at our first trailer. You can also watch it here
Our New Work 2024 has a name!
“The law of absolute, pure, unconditional, hyperbolic hospitality, asks us to say ‘yes’ to the newcomer/ arrivant, before any determination, before any prevention, before any identification – irrespective of being a stranger, an immigrant, a guest or an unexpected visitor.” (Derrida)
World premiere of UNTIL THE BEGINNINGS will be in May 2024.
photo: © BIZENGABIZ, Dasilvio P. Bizenga
Pre-Premiere of our new prosuction NEW WORK 2024
After a 2-week rehearsal residence in Toubab Dialaw in Senegal, we are proud to announce: on 6 January at 5pm at the École des Sables, we will be presenting the result of the first creation phase of our new production NEW WORK 2024 (WT) as “On Hospitality”. If you can be there, be there! Otherwise, there will be an opportunity to see the final play in Cologne and Düsseldorf in May.
SYBL #2 is out.
The second issue of our interactive online magazine SYBL is online. And who gets to decide what is shown there? You!
To support the creation of our new production (working title NEW WORK 2024) , we are once again opening up our research process with SYBL: we need your personal input, your thoughts on cultural encounters and hosting.
Have you ever been a guest or host yourself? What do you think about migration and how can it succeed?
Share your contributions with us in our online magazine “SYBL.de”:“SYBL”:https://sybl.de/be-our-guest/. Pictures, texts, videos, sounds – we are looking forward to everything.
Just have a look HERE.
With 11 artists from Germany & Senegal
The year is coming to an end and we are already starting into the 2024 season: Based on our hybrid project LAND IM LAND, which was created last spring together with Theater Bielefeld, we are developing a new transmedia and transcultural production as a continuation: NEW WORK 2024 (still the working title) is a collaboration with the École des Sables (Senegal) and Alesandra Seutin. With 8 dancers and 3 musicians from Germany and Senegal, we are asking what hospitality means, can be, does and does not do. Kick off will be rehearals in Senegal at the end of the year, then in spring time in Germany.
World premiere: May 16 & 17 at tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf Pre-premieres: January 06 at the École des Sables, Senegal May 04 at Schauspiel Köln – Sommerblut Kulturfestival (Sommerblut-Edition)
From February 5 to 22, we are embarking on another research trip. This time, the Goethe-Institut in Kolkata (Calcutta) is welcoming us and we are s much looking forward to it. After researches in Greece and Korea, we are expanding HELLO TO EMPTINESS, our production about global rituals of mourning, to include Indian traditions.
Days of research on hospitality
Hospitality is a always a topic that is on our minds. In the tenth edition of our INVENTASY research format, we continued to work and improvise with ten artists from different backgrounds.
Thank you so much for these inspiring days!
20 minutes 'BREATHING RITUAL' at the Kunstnacht Köln
What a wonderful team, place and night this was!! #ARCHIPEL XVIII. Kunstnacht
photo: Martin Rottenkolber
On Oct 25th at Alte Feuerwache, Cologne
It’s time for INVENTASY again! We are happy to offer an insight into our research and working process, by sharing results from our artists lab INVENTASY X: ‘Be our Guest’.
In our 10th INVENTASY research lab, taking place the days before this showing, we will be exploring the idea of hospitality, utopian working spaces and common groove.
Registration is not necessary. Admission is free. Just BE OUR GUEST!
Oct 25th, 7pm – Alte Feuerwache, Cologne
on 21st Oct at Museum Ludwig
Stephanie Thiersch re-stages the “Breathing Ritual” from ARCHIPEL (Ruhrtriennale 2020/ Theater der Welt 2021), created together with composer Brigitta Muntendorf, for the XVIIIth Kunstnacht in Cologne. Dancers from our company encounter various performers of different backgrounds and ages. The high-energy 18-minute ritual is built on a complex breath composition of the voices of the Norwegian Soloists’ Choir.
Our company will perform twice on the night of 21 October from 7pm A Part Of Art – XVIIIth Art Night at Museum Ludwig
Tickets are available HERE.
Photo: Martin Rottenkolber
A blast of a night @ URBÄNG!
The opening night of URBÄNG!-Festival in Cologne was flashy, loud and mega. A thousand thanks to stunning Shelly Quest und Mette Ingvartsen for beats, moves and performances that stay.
See you all again next year!
Festival's opening night presented by MOUVOIR
This year it is seven years of URBÄNG! The festival for performative arts in Cologne. We are happy and proud that the opening night was curated by MOUVOIR/Stephanie Thiersch: On Wednesday, 13 September, two performers will turn the Orangerie Theatre upside down: musician/rapper Shelly Quest will start at 7:30 pm with her lyrics full of empowerment and provocation. Danish choreographer and dancer Mette Ingvartsen follows at 8:30 pm with her solo performance ‘The Dancing Public’.
The complete programme of URBÄNG! is available HERE.
URBÄNG! > 13-16 September 2023 at the “Orangerie Theatre“https://www.orangerie-theater.de/programm/urbaeng-das-festival-fuer-performative-kuenste-in-koeln-2/, Cologne.
HELLO TO EMPTINESS @ Bundeskunsthalle Bonn
A pperformance that reaches into the depths of the soul is always a special challenge and a gift, especially for the team. Two evenings about grief. With a stunning ensemble, a great audience, at a wonderful location. Thanks to everyone.
Cinematic miniatures at Ebertplatz, Cologne
Join us at Ebertplatz in Köln and take the rare chance to watch a selection of our cinematic miniatures KINNING in a great atmosphere. Date: 26 August, 21:30 Ebertplatz, Cologne www.beamedfilmfest.eu
We are looking manager/producer
We are looking for an enthusiastic personality for MOUVOIR management/administration on a part-time basis as soon as possible, from 1.11.2023 at the latest. The position is planned as 20 hours/week.
Application with salary requirements by pdf and email only by 23.08.2023 via: info@mouvoir.de
We are looking forward to a new team member!
Details of the job advertisement HERE.
Two new dates for Bonn
After postponing our planned January shows, here are the new dates for HELLO TO EMPTINESS at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn:
Friday, 11 August, 7:30 pm Saturday, 12 August, 7:30 pm
Tickets are available HERE
Premiere of 'A holographic encounter' @ tanz NRW
We are so happy about performing BILDERSCHLACHTEN – BATAILLES D’IMAGES in two different versions for Festival tanz nrw aktuell:
10 May – 8pm @ TanzFaktur (minimal version)
12 May – 8pm @ PACT Zollverein (holographic version)…
Save your tickets HERE and celebrate “a grand tale about the present state of our civilization told through inspiring, visionary choreographies“ (tanznetz.de) and “the most overwhelming thing we have seen in years” (NDR online).
on May 4th at Ringlokschuppen
Tanz NRW is just around the corner and we are especially happy that we are not only there for two dates with BILDERSCHLACHTEN, but that our short film INSULAR BODIES will be shown on the opening night. A 25 minutes journey to an archipelago where human and nature merge.
Thursday, 4 May, 7pm at Ringlokschuppen in Mülheim
Lecture @ Relay Symposium, Cologne
On April 29, composer Brigitta Muntendorff and choreographer Stephanie Thiersch will talk about their artistic collaboration at the Relay Symposium. They created the two stage productions ARCHIPEL and BILDERSCHLACHTEN together.
*Saturday, April 29th 2023, 10:40-11:20 am – “Choreographing music/Composing dance: co-writing scores.” Relay Symposium Access possible on site or digitally.
Free admission, Please register here
Dance for people with special physical characteristics
For five days Stephanie Thiersch will be teaching at the M.A.D.E Programme people with and without special physical characteristics. From 16 to 20 March, in Module 9 of the further education series, she will be working with the group of dancers on their upcoming final performance . M.A.D.E. is a project of DIN A 13 Tanzcompany and stands for “Mixed-abled Dance Education”.
picture: DIN A 13 tanzcompany
We are showing results of 'INVENTASY IX'
Seven days we have been exploring the possibilities of family and bonding with 19 international artist. We have experimented with forms of expression, we developed questiones, and found first answers and ideas. We are looking foward to further exchange with you as an audience.
Open Sharing, 04.03.2023, 6.00pm at Alte Feuerwache, Köln.
Be part of our Open Research Lab
We will continue our successful INVENTASY format in 2023. And we are looking for 5 artists joining us from feb 27 to mar 4. Please send an application (=nice email) to inventasy@mouvoir.de with some information about you, maybe a video link. Deadline: 6th of February
INVENTASY is a week-long research lab where performing artists meet and collaborate on tools and choreographic ideas for the artistic process. MORE
Working period: 27.02-04.03.2023 Working time: 10-14.00, 15.00-18.00h Expert Input: 04.03.2023 17.00h Public Sharing: 04.03.2023 18.00h MOUVOIR will cover your travel costs, accomodation and a fee.
It's premiere time for 'LAND IM LAND'
All dates and tickets here: Click
Next year will bring great projects again: LAND IM LAND in Bielefeld, HELLO TO EMPTINESS in Bonn, and so much more to come. Hold on to loving, feel hope and always find the rhythm. Be with us in 2023.
Hybrid production 'LAND IM LAND' with holographic elements is growing
Since autumn we have been working on LAND IM LAND, our collaboration with the Theater Bielefeld. The project brings together MOUVOIR, Tanz Bielefeld and École des Sables from Senegal. We find hope here in overcoming distance and uniting presence and absence. Where can we find spaces for living together and how can we create a shared rhythm? First step was our filming in Senegal. To now merge the recordings with the dancers in Bielefeld is almost magical – a 90-minute groove of club, family celebration, village fair and house party. World premiere is on 14 January 2023.
Rehearsals at Theater Bielefeld have begun
What an adevnture! Our new project, a collaboration with the Theater Bielefeld, is entering the next phase. After filming in Senegal, we are currently rehearsing with dancers from TANZ Bielefeld and the Bielefeld Studio in Bielefeld. Land im Land is part of the project series “D³ – Dance Discovers Digital” and poses the question of community in times of digitality: What does community mean across borders? How do we encounter others and share a common space when traveling is not an option? How do we come to “vibrate” together? The world premiere is on 14.01.2023. Find motr dates >> here.
Twice HELLO TO EMPTINESS in front of a full house
After another week of rehearsals with our new local Nîmes choir, we got to experience HELLO TO EMPTINESS all over again. With each venue, our performance concert grows and takes on different tones. Thank you for two unforgettable and emotional nights at Théâtre de Nîmes. Next up: LOFFT – DAS THEATER in Leipzig
picture: Haewoon Jang
Shooting for 'Land im Land' in Senegal
As a preparation for LAND IM LAND, our collaboration with Theater Bielefeld, we are filming in Senegal. With the dancers of Ecole de Sables we are shooting holographic sequences that will be an essential part of not only merging analogue and digital, but also the boundaries of proximity and distance, of presence and absence. World premiere will be on Jan 14th 2023 as a project of the series D³ – Dance Discovers Digital.
With so many new impressions in our minds we are on our way to Nîmes, where HELLO TO EMPTINESS will be performed on 8 and 9 November. Cast has only changed slightly: We are happy to have Gyun Moo Kim, Hyerim Jang and Hye-kyung Min with us!
Nice to meet you with PICTURE A VACUUM
We were invited by ACC – Asia Culture Center in Gwangju to prepare part two of our performance concert HELLO TO EMPTINESS. After two week sof rehearsing we will finally premiere with PICTURE A VACUUM on 14th and 15th October.
We made it through the dress rehearsal and tomorrow is our big SIDance day. We are happy that HELLO TO EMPTINESS grows and changes with every performance. This time we will be supported and accompanied by Korean artists. Our performance dates are: Saturday 24 September Sunday 25 September
ARCHIPEL joins the race in two categories
What a news! Our production ARCHIPEL – A Spectacle of Blending has been nominated for this year’s DER FAUST Theaterpreis! Not only in one … but in two categories: Staging Dance – Stephanie Thiersch Sound & Media – Brigitta Muntendorf.
The award ceremony will take place on 26 November. Keep all your fingers crossed for us.
We are very, very happy about this.
Touring with three productions
We will spend this September and October in South Korea. Three will let us travel the country: One of our co-producers of HELLO TO EMPTINESS, the SIDance Festival, has invited us to show our piece in Seoul. The festival will take place on 24 and 25 September. We are also especially happy to be able to show PICTURE A VACUUM as a premiere on 14 and 15 October at the ACC – Asia Culture Center in Gwangju. For this sequel of HELLO TO EMPTINESS another rehearsal period is planned. As a little icing on the cake, we will then perform an excerpt from BILDERSCHLACHTEN, a short 1-person version, in a great setting for the Sejong International Dance Festival on 13 September. Curious? Follow us and our our stories on >> Instagram.
'Open Studio' with HELLO TO EMPTINESS
We are looking forward to finally meeting so many of you again! Join us for our ‘Open Studio’: We give you an insight in our latest production HELLO TO EMPTINESS: Friday, 2 September, 2:15 pm, Studio 4Studio 4 Friday, 2 September, 4:15 pm, Studio 4
'Bilderschlachten & 'Hello to Emptiness'
Our upcoming season will be such a lively adventure again. Many new things to come, all araound the world. And we are so happy we will be touring with two quite different productions: BILDERSCHLACHTEN / BATAILLES D’IMAGES and HELLO TO EMPTINESS.
Be our Guest! 2018-2022
Our wild and so enriching programme BE OUR GUEST! has come to an end … For the four past years we were able to host many intercultural and transdisciplinary encounters, thanks to the funding programme TANZPAKT – Stadt – Land – Bund. Thir short film let you glimpse into what felt like a true gift for us. Thank you for this opportunity, thanks to all the great people who were a part of this. BE OUR GUEST/GASTGEBERSCHAFT was funded by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with the support of the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kulturamt der Stadt Köln.
Our colleague Bea Kießlinger passed away at the age of 58. We will miss her constructive advice and warm approach. She was an important source of inspiration for many of our projects. Our sympathy goes out to her family.
Hannover embraces BILDERSCHLACHTEN
The final applause is always something special… But this time we felt outstandingly blessed: 15 min standing ovations is a rare gift. Thank you so much for loving BILDERSCHLACHTEN/BATAILLES D’IMAGES at KunstFestSpiele Herrenhausen that much. Thank you Brigitta Muntendorf, Les Siècles and Asasello Quartett.
Relaunch @ KunstFestspiele Herrenhausen
Inspired by Isamu Noguchi's 'Play Sculpture'
Two nights HELLO TO EMPTINESS at tanzhaus nrw
It is not the easiest thing to welcome people to feel the power of grief and mourning. But in the end it felt easy. We are deeply thankful for all who shared these special nights with us, their thoughts and trust. Next stops for HELLO TO EMPTINESS will be: SIDance, Korea, Theatre de Nimes, LOFFT – Das Theater Leipzig. See you!
Rehearsals in Düsseldorf started
New venue, new choir: starting today, we are rolling out our stage set again and rehearsing with our new “Chorus of Elders” at the tanzhaus nrw. We will perform HELLO TO EMPTINESS here on 29 and 30 April.
For the world premiere in Athens
We have the first video images for our new stage project. Thank you to GNA – Alternative Stage! See you tonight, tomorrow or soon at a place nearby.
Our Installation 'Voices of Laments"
Today we opened our video installation accompanying HELLO TO EMPTINESS: Voices of Laments can be seen at the Goethe Insitut Athens until 20 April. The tryptich combines mourning rituals from Korea, Greece and Kenya into an image of global mourning.
Two weeks Athens
The countdown is on: on 16th of April it’s time for the world premiere of HELLO TO EMPTINESS! We are still mouving on the rehearsal stage of the Greek National Opera, but soon the stage design from Portugal will join us and we will move to the final GNO – Alternative Stage. And ous special bonus: The singers of our local Greek “Choir of the Elderly” are already rehearsing with us. See you in Athens!
The poster for our world premiere is there
Thank you Greek National Opera – Alternative Stage.
Barcelona, Cologne, A Coruña
Our short film will go on travelling in spring: INSULAR BODIES is part of three festivals: The Choreoscope – Barcelona Dance Film Festival will show INSULAR BODIES online from 07 March to 03 April: Then it will be shown with audience at the TRC Danza in A Coruña from 21 to 23April and at the Moovy Tanz FIlm Festival in Cologne on 23 April .
TV team visited our rehearsal
“It is about how we deal with grief, loss, farewell – as we live in a time that has a lot to do with it. Through ongoing wars, human tragedies, not least through the pandemic. But also in a broader sense of species extinction, of nature dying.” (Stephanie Thiersch)
>> Watch the short report about our rehearsals at tanzhaus nrw on WDR Westart . You can also see some of the members of our newly cast “Choir of the Elderly”. It starts at minute 2:13.
>>Watch the short report about our rehearsals at tanzhaus nrw on WDR Westart . If you wach closely you can also find some of the members of our newly cast “Chorus of Elders”. It starts at minute 2:13.
Our open rehearsal 'HELLO TO EMPTINESS'
Something special for us again: Under hygienic precautions we were able to welcome an in persona audience to our salon ‘HELLO TO EMPTINESS’ at the tanzhaus nrw. At the same time, we sent our first rehearsal results around the world via livestream. The eveneing was about farewell, death, mourning, and above all cultural mourning rituals and performance practices. In our talk with the ensemble and Tara McEllister-Viel from the University of Sussex we delved even deeper into the tradition of lament songs and the Korean Pansori. Thank you so much for such a moving evening! We are looking forward toour next rehearsals and especially to the first performances of HELLO TO EMPTINESS … in front of an audience! Here you can find the dates.
@ tanzhaus nrw und als live stream
After our rehearsals in Dresden and Düsseldorf we want to show you first pieces of our growing project HELLO TO EMPTINESS.. It is also the last SALON event in our Gastgeberschaft series TANZPAKT Stadt – Land – Bund. The artist talk will be led by the dramaturge Stawrula Panagiotakiand as a guest we virtually welcome Tara McAllister-Viel. For those who are near Düsseldorf: come to the tanzhaus nrw (2G+)! For everyone else, join us via live stream. It starts at 6 pm. Saturday, 19.02., 6:00 pm > Live streaming
Critters in action
ARCHIPEL was our 2020 and 2021: an extraordinary human, musical and choreographic challenge crossing borders, inventing processes of making, with a sparkling community and the arborescent art we do together. We feel blessed that this journey will go on! ARCHIPEL will travel to Norway, so we hope to see you in September 2022 at Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival. Until then, please enjoy our new trailer.
for our project HELLO TO EMPTINESS/nrw
We are looking for good amateur singers for a choreographed concert with 5 international singers! - preferably over 70 years old, even better over 80 years old - enjoying stage performances with a few stage directions - vaccinated or recovered
Period: - first meeting in the week of 14-18 February at tanzhaus nrw - sheet music available from mid-March - final rehearsals 25-28 April (daily 2-3 hours) - performances 29 and 30 April at tanzhaus nrw - working language: German, English (with translation)
2G+ applies during rehearsals.
Please register with: Sarah Heinrich: sarah@mouvoir.de +49 (0) 221 – 98 54 522
Our online magazine is here!
With SYBL.de you can now become part of MOUVOIR! In our interactive magazine we collect thoughts, ideas and everything that comes to your mind and ours on the topics of our productions. Current research: Grieving and mourning rituals. Whether texts, pictures, videos, sounds, from our heart we invite you to participate! And if nothing comes to your mind that quick … just browse around a bit.
Click here: SYBL
HYPHEA was our last Show in 2021
A picture paints a thousand words? Sometimes it does. Thanks to all who were with us yesterday at the Stadtgarten in Cologne. Thank you, dear Akademie der Künste der Welt.
An evening @ radialsystem
Last night at Radialsystem in Berlin, Belarusian conductor and activist Vitali Alekseenok joined Stephanie Thiersch to talk about ‘Rituals of Revolt’. This listening session was the introduction to a concert by Urkainian artist Mariana Sadowska, who conducted a musical dialogue with percussionist Max Andrzejewski with ‘Songs of Wounding’. An inspiring evening. Many thanks to Mariana Sadovska, Max Andrzejewski, Vitali Alekseenok, Elisa Erkelenz, Marta Zapparoli!
Outer National
Coproduktion with Akademie der Künste der Welt
We are looking forward to a very special evening: As a result of our new research lab we will show our movement study HYPHEA. After a week of research and rehearsals in our INVENTASY IIV-LAB in the framework of TANZPAKT Stadt – Land – Bund contacts and connections will become visible in dance on 10 December, 8pm in the Kölner Stadtgarten. The performance is a co-production with the Akademie der Künste der Welt. Tickets are available here!
Stephanie Thiersch on body and wounding
Two dates are coming up where Stephanie Thiersch will be talking about aspects of her work. On the morning of 27.11. at the HfmdK in Frankfurt everything revolves around the body, “The Artist’s Body”, perceiving and connecting with each other. The night of 2.12. at radialsystem in Berlin will be a moment of hurt and pain, as part of the “Outernational Listening Sessions”. We are looking forward to all of you!
>> Go to Calendar
An administrative assistant
WANTED!!!!! We are looking for an administrative assistant (application/assistance, artists’ contracts, budget planning, production strategy and planning) for a provisional period of one year, starting on 1 January 2022 at the latest. The position is planned for10-15 hours/week and is paid accordingly. We work in a small harmonic team on production, management and finances. We offer a pleasant working atmosphere and exciting interdisciplinary projects. Please send your applications and questions to: info@mouvoir.de.
Four days transdisciplinary teaching
Off to Salzburg! From 11-14 November Stephanie Thiersch will be teaching at the Orff Institute of the Mozarteum masterclasses for students as part of the symposium ‘Chaos Spiel Ritual’. We are looking forward to this exchange with multidisciplinary students! #transdiciplinaryteaching
Holographic projection for BILDERSCHLACHTEN
A week full of magic in Paris … our production BILDERSCHLACHTEN/BATAILLES D’IMAGES is rising again! We are working on a holographic orchestra that can be brought on stage as a projection. 46 musicians will soon fit even in smaller locations.We are looking so much forward to see the first recordings. Thank you, “Les Siècles“https://www.lessiecles.com/, for this opportunity. Stay tuned …
'INSULAR BODIES' @Fiver Dance Film Festival
Last autumn, our film project INSULAR BODIES was born out of isolation. Now our short film is travelling around the world. And we are travelling along. The “Fiver – International Dance Film Festival “http://www.fiverdance.com/ has invited us to Madrid, with red carpet and stage presentation. And now we are looking forward to the next stop!
4 days of urban togetherness
We opened our FEMALE GAZE?! night at the URBÄNG! festival on 8 October with Oona Doherty’s HOPE HUNT, then discussed and tried out a bit and ended it with a concert by NIOBE. As always these were inspiring days and we are already looking forward to next year. Because … after URBÄNG! is before URBÄNG! <3
on 15 Oct for Danca em Transito/Rio de Janeiro
The Brazilian festival Danca em Transito is currently offering free online workshops for professional dancers. Every Friday a different international tutor will be online; on 15 October from 1:30-15pm, it’s our turn! Stephanie Thiersch will give an insight into contemporary dance á la MOUVOIR. Participation is free of charge, applications are welcome with a short CV of up to three lines to: online@espacotapias.com.br. Some sessions will be on the YouTube channel of Dança em Trânsito/Espaço Tápias. All further info is available here (Portuguese).
HOPE HUNT on 8. October @URBÄNG!
October is … URBÄNG!! From 6-9 October we celebrate the diversity of perfomance and togetherness with the festival for performative arts at the Orangerie Theatre in Cologne. Our FEMALE GAZE?! evening on 8 October this time begins with Oona Doherty’s HOPE HUNT AND THE ASCENSION INTO LAZARUS. The Northern Irish choreographer confronts and explores class, masculinity and gender roles. This will be followed by an equally exciting discussion with the artists of the evening and the dancers Verena Brakonier and Josephine Findeisen.
A night with TORSO MODI
Who would have thought: at the end of 2019 we premiered our play TORSO MODI shortly before the first lockdown. In Berlin and Budpest, after that it was very quiet for a while. And now we got back on stage with the Asasello Quartet and five young dancers and were able to revive this production that we have grown so fond of. We thank a wonderful audience and above all MOVE! Krefelder Tagefür modernen Tanz. It was a very special night for us.
October vibes at Orangerie Theater Cologne
Performance, participation, polarization, partnership, and … party: From 6-9 October it’s here again, the URBÄNG! Festival of the Performing Arts in Cologne! We are looking forward to 4 wonderful days at the Orangerie Theater, to people, encounters, performances, opening eyes instead of closing them. Since 2017, URBÄNG! has been the annual highlight of the Ensemblenetzwerk Freihandelszone. You can check the whole programme at: www.freihandelszone.org/urbaeng And tickets are available at: 0221 952 27 08, www.offticket.de or also info@orangerie-theater.de
MOUVOIR is guest of Move! Krefeld
We are invited with TORSO MODI as a guest performance to the MOVE! 20th Krefeld Days for Modern Dance! On 24.09. we will be performing with the Asasello Quartet and the Bodhi Project at Fabrik Heeder. On Thursday, 23.09, 6 to 7 pm we will already give an insight into our work in the context of tanz.backstage. You can register for this look behind the scenes at tanzvermittlung@landesbuerotanz.de. Participation is free of charge.
We looked back on 22 years
The Orangerie Theater in Cologne was the perfect place for us to recall 22 crazy years of MOUVOIR. So much warmth! People, music, dance, words and even the weather. We thank everyone who was with us, in person or in mind. We had a touching blast! And enough energy for more 22 years to come.
Special Screening by Moovy Tanzfilmfestival
Cologne will get to see our film INSULAR BODIES again! On 3 October, the Moovy Tanzfilmfestival Köln at 7pm is organising a special screening at the Filmforum im Museum Ludwig. As a special highlight, we will also be showing GEORGIA, Stephanie Thiersch’s short film from 2002. Afterwards there will be an artist talk with Stephanie Thiersch in the cinema.
Our jubilee programme
As the grand finale of the summer comes closer, the birthday programme is fixed: Saturday, 11 September 2021, from 2pm at the Orangerie Theatre Cologne
WORKSHOPS 14-15.30 Dance for all with Viviana Escalé 15.30-17h Voguing with Georgina/House of St. Laurent Europe
PERFORMANCE & WORDS from 17h: A journey through two decades of multidisciplinary dance performance – with rediscoveries and surprises.
PARTY from 23h: DJ set “Oasis/Happy22” with DJ Elephant Power (Brussels)
On 8 September in Berlin
Venice, Cologne, Berlin! We are happy about our next cinematic stop. The POOL dance film festival has invited us and our short film. It will be shown at DOK11 on 8 September. 23 minutes on an archipelago where humans and nature become one. More info here: https://pool-festival.de/2021/08/10/insualar-bodies/
On Sept 9th we say "Hello to Emptiness"
Be part of MOUVOIR Salon culture! We invite you to our new workshop with a closing super night. We will deal intensively with lament songs and mourning rituals based on the tradition of the Greek Miroloi. You can find the whole programme here With great lecturers, guests and a final concert by the Greek musician “Martha Mavroidi” await us:https://www.marthamavroidi.com/
Admission is free! Registration at: info@mouvoir.de
world premiere on July 25th
INSULAR BODIES will be honoured: On July 25th, our 23-minute film will be shown as a world premiere at the Biennale di Venezia 2021. Tickets for the screening in the beautiful Teatro Piccolo Arsenale are already available here: https://labiennale.vivaticket.it/index.php?nvpg%5Bsell%5D&cmd=prices&pcode=8598170&tcode=tl011672 Our short film was made in 2020 as a spontaneous reaction to the lockdown situation, far out in a very real archipelago. With eight dancers, we explored the question of what happens when man and nature meet at eye level and become one.
SHows at Tanz im August
Hello Berlin!! ARCHIPEL is on its way … Another chance, another venue: ARCHIPEL – A SPECTACLE OF BLENDING will be part of Tanz im August – Internationales Festival Berlin from August 20th to 22nd. Tickets are already on sale, so be fast and be there with us! https://www.tanzimaugust.de/produktion/detail/stephanie-thiersch-brigitta-muntendorf-archipel/
“An incredible maelstrom” (Süddeutsche Zeitung) “a firework for the synapses in the audience’s brain” (Deutschlandfunk Kultur) “A magnificent, high-energy futuristic spectacle with a great innovative soundtrack.” (theater:pur)
Full house at our world premiere of ARCHIPEL
It was hot. And exciting. For the first time, we performed live in front of an audience again! The Düsseldorf Central was packed as Corona allows. Thank you!
On June 19th @ Central
Richt after our second performance of ARCHIPEL at the Theater der Welt Festival Stephanie Thiersch and Brigitta Muntendorf come together with their audience. They will give insights into the background of their production, the collaboration with Archtiekt Sou Fujimoto, their inspiration. We look forward to many unexpected questions. There are still a few remaining tickets …
Presale for Theater der Welt starts June 2nd
Be an early bird, grab your tickets for our newest production: Tickets for ARCHIPEL will be on presale from Wednesday, 2nd on. So only two days to go … we hope so much to see you on either 18th, 19th or 20th of June. Finally performing in front of a live audience again. “ https://www.theaterderwelt.de/service/karten/
... and has a trailer.
We are as happy as excited … ARCHIPEL has a trailer! So watch first scenes from our Spectacle of Blending and enjoy. World premiere will be in June 2021 at Theater der Welt Festival (Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus/Central).
Online streaming on May 3rd
Our production BILDERSCHLACHTEN is part of the programme of Tanz NRW. Since the festival has to take place digitally due to corona, our planned performance will also be an online event. On 3 May, 20:00, you can take part via dringeblieben.de. Tickets are already on sale. We are happy if you join us!