Torso Modi

Composition assignments to Hungarian composers - as dance (2019/2020)

With the Austrian company BODHI Project and the internationally touring Asasello Quartet, choreographer Stephanie Thiersch sensitively creates unexpected encounters and poetic clashes with the newly composed works by composers Judit Varga, Maté Balogh, Árpád Solti and Péter Tornyai. Together, tonal and physical resonance spaces are explored – balancing between devotion to the other art form and the preservation of the very own qualities. With humorous seriousness and the sometimes very delicate, then impulsive contemporary music, which undermines every cliché of danceability, our sense of hearing and time is challenged.

Asasello Quartett:
Rostislav Kozhevnikov – Violin
Barbara Streil – Violin
Justyna Sliwa – Viola
Teemu Myöhänen – Violoncello

Cindy Ng
Csenger Szabó
Imola Kacsó
Márton Gláser
Noémie Anneg
Jeanne Laurent Caron

Choreography: Stephanie Thiersch
Choreographic assistance: Marcela Ruiz Quintero
Costumes/sculpture: Lauren Steel
Light design/photography: Martin Rottenkolber

Máté Balogh: Dadamusik – Hommage à Kurt Schwitters & his Ursonate
Péter Tornyai – Weitere intime Briefe
Judit Varga: Ombres Densémént Tissées
Árpád Solti: AI3I3A

Funded by Kunststiftung NRW

“The concept of the Asasello Quartet and the choreographer Stephanie Thiersch on artistic transdisciplinarity with young Hungarian composers and dancers is convincing in terms of cultural exchange and interest in the future of Eastern Europe.”
Csaba Kézer, Kunststiftung NRW

“a visual as well as acoustic pleasure in which every spectator could set his own focus because of the abundance of impressions” Rheinische Post

“the spectrum ranges from a Schwitters homage cast in music, to processed musical love letters by Janáček, to music-intrinsic sudies, to a Spiegel-style selection of quotations from pop culture. But to hear all this requires a penetration of the musical concepts. But it doesn’t really need to; because the immediate can be so touching, in sound and movement at the same time. And then it’s also nice to laugh or have a tear in your eye sometimes.” WZ – Westdeutsche Zeitung

on Tour:

24.09.2021, 20 h

MOVE! 20. Krefelder Tage für modernen Tanz

Fabrik Heeder, Krefeld

TANZ.BACKSTAGE / Blick hinter die Kulissen

MOVE! 20. Krefelder Tage für modernen Tanz

Fabrik Heeder, Krefeld

13.01.2020, 19.30 h

BMC Budapest Music Center, Budapest, Ungarn

18.12.2019, 19 h

Collegium Hungaricum, Dorotheenstraße 12, 10117 Berlin, Deutschland

16.12.2019, 18.30 h

Haus für Musiker, Raketenstation Hombroich 12, 41472 Neuss, Deutschland